Course Description
This course covers fundamentals of security and reliability of computing systems from both hardware and software perspectives. Topics include symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, artificial intelligence (AI) safety and security, selected topics from hardware-based security, introduction to reliability and fault tolerance, hardware fault tolerance, and software fault tolerance.
Text Books/Reference Books/Supplementary Material:
- “Understanding Cryptography”, First Edition, Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl (2010), Springer, ISBN-13: 978-3-642-04100-6 or ISBN-10: 3-642-04100-0 or e-ISBN: 978-3-642-04101-3.
- “Introduction to Hardware Security and Trust”, First Edition, Mohammad Tehranipoor and Cliff Wang (Ed.) (2012), Springer, ISBN-13: 978-1-4419-8079-3 or ISBN-10: 1-4419-8079-2 or e-ISBN: 978-1-4419-8080-9.
- “Fault-Tolerant Systems”, First Edition, Israel Koren and C. Mani Krishna (2007), Elsevier Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, ISBN-13: 978-0-12-088525-1 or ISBN-10: 0-12-088525-5.